Board of Directors

The Association is governed by a member-elected Board of Directors who serve a two-year term with elections held each year in August.

Tahoe Keys Sunset


The Board is comprised of seven volunteer TKPOA property owners that are elected each year by a vote of the membership of the Association. Each Board Member is elected to serve a two-year term.


The TKPOA Board of Directors is responsible for setting operating policies, managerial overview, development and execution of annual budgets and capital reserves, enforcing provisions of the governing documents (which include the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs), Bylaws, and rules and regulations), and providing financial oversight.

Major decisions, as determined by the CC&Rs, are sent out to a vote of the membership of the Association.

Open and Executive Board Meetings:

  • Open and Executive board meetings are held every month through the year. Any property owner (member) or their legal representative may join an Open board meeting. Board meetings are not open to tenants or guests without the express approval of the Board of Directors.
  • Executive board meetings are closed to members and are where personnel, member discipline, litigation and contract matters are discussed and dealt with.
  • The schedule of board meetings is published in advance on the Events Calendar and the meeting agendas and information packets can be browsed under the Documents section of this website.

Board meeting conduct.

To ensure Open meetings are run efficiently and to allow members, at the appropriate times, to have an equal opportunity to share their comments, the Board of Directors has established a set of rules and procedures for meetings.

Following these rules helps to ensure meetings are professional and organized.

Please Note: It Is the policy of TKPOA to not allow the electronic or mechanical recording of board meetings.

Member Comments

Members wishing to comment during a Board meeting must be in good standing with the Association. Each Member will be allowed to speak for up to three minutes.

Pursuant to Civil Code the Board is not permitted to discuss or take action on any item not on the meeting agenda.

Professional & Respectful

Directors, Association Members and anyone attending a meeting should conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner.

Prohibited Behavior

No rude or profane language or personal attacks. No racial, ethnic, gender or religious slurs. No shouting, yelling or screaming. No Physical threats, verbal or otherwise.

Essential any behavior intended to, or that has the effect of, interfering with the orderly business of the Board is prohibited.


Members that violate these conduct rules will be subject to being removed from the meeting and potentially fined.

Board Members

The Board is comprised of seven volunteer TKPOA property owners. Alternating each year either three or four Board Members are elected by the membership to serve a two-year term.

Dave Peterson

Board President

Sabine Litten

Board Secretary

Mark Acri

Board Director

Peter Grant

Board Vice President

Bonnie Halleran

Board Director

Bryan Welsh

Board Treasurer

Joby Cefalu

Board Director

Board of Directors meeting schedule.

Open and Executive board meetings are held every month through the year. Any property owner (member) may join an Open board meeting.

Board Of Directors

The TKPOA Board of Directors is responsible for setting operating policies, managerial overview, development and execution of annual budgets and capital reserves, enforcing provisions of the governing documents (which include the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs), Bylaws, and rules and regulations), and providing financial oversight…read more.

There are currently no events.

Board meeting agendas & minutes.

Open and Executive meeting agendas are posted on the website ahead of time, please see the documents section of this website. Minutes for Open meetings are likewise posted after each meeting.