A community and association committed to protecting and enhancing the outstanding natural beauty and resources that surround it.

The Tahoe Keys has a good record of eliminating inappropriate food sources for wildlife, which is why there are very few reports of confrontations with bears, coyotes, raccoons and other scavengers.
Protecting the Environment
Wildlife and water fowl are protected by Fish and Game Regulations, and by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 asc, 707-711). They are part of the Tahoe Keys environment and feeding of wildlife is strictly prohibited and subject to fines.
More continues to be done to educate homeowners and renters on the use of bird seeds exposed pet food and attracting wildlife by hand feeding.

TKPOA cooperates with the Bear League in both protecting wildlife and reporting incidents where bears are involved with trash or human interaction. To contact the BEAR LEAGUE, call 530.525.PAWS, or visit their website at savebears.org.
No dead fish, bait, animal or pet excrement, or other putrefying matter shall be deposited, or allowed to be deposited, in the waterways, left on the banks, piers, floats, docks, gutters or walkways in TKPOA.
TKPOA enforces stringent garbage/waste management practices with property owners and their guests, including fines for non-performance. These include the absolute prohibition on curbside trash disposal except on scheduled pick-up days (currently Fridays). Exceptions are made for curbside placement of non-food wastes, like landscape and yard trimmings. If you see any garbage violations please report these immediately to the Front-desk or TKPOA Security at the phone numbers or email listed below.

TKPOA provides special disposal facilities for owners and their guests to use on non-pickup days. The Keys manages high aesthetics for our properties and the ACC does not approve individual animal proof storage containers in front yards or front setbacks.
The Tahoe Keys has been a leader in providing special facilities for pet-waste disposal. These include plastic bag dispensers and sanitary disposal cans, located in several common areas and community parks. The Keys is a very popular place for residents and visitors to walk their pets. Assuring pet wastes are disposed of properly is an aesthetic, public health and environmental concern.
City and County ordinances pertaining to dogs shall apply to this complex and provide (in part) that dogs must be kept on a leash or confined within their owners unit or property. If any pet becomes a general nuisance, restrictive action and fines will be imposed.
Damage to shrubbery or other common areas by domestic animals will be at the expense of the animal’s owner. Property owners are responsible for the prompt disposal of all their dog or cat waste in secure bags in trash cans to prevent flies and odor. Cats can be considered a nuisance and are subject to special owner control to avoid complaints. Property owners will be held responsible for renters’/tenants’ pets.