Architectural Control Committee
Composed of qualified, Board-appointed, volunteer homeowners charged with reviewing submittals by homeowners for construction or modifications to existing structures and properties.

The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is comprised of five or seven volunteer TKPOA property owners that are appointed each year by the Board of Directors.
The general purpose of the architectural committee is to ensure compliance with aesthetic standards established by the association. In the townhome subdivisions, the architectural committee is primarily focused on external improvements that impact the common areas such as window replacement, balcony and patio issues. Landscape projects are also reviewed. Within the single-family home subdivisions, the committee is primarily concerned with exterior aesthetics, landscaping & fencing, building and dock modifications, roofing, driveways and similar issues.
Agendas are posted at 9 AM on the Thursday prior to their regularly scheduled meetings. Architectural Control applications must be submitted to the Architectural Control Department by noon the Wednesday prior to the regularly scheduled ACC meeting in order to be included on the agenda. Applications received after the noon deadline will be added to the agenda of the following regularly scheduled meeting.
Rules and procedures:
- The committee considers the architectural rules in the CC&R’s and other governing documents of the association, and regulations of local governmental authorities.
- ACC meets on regularly scheduled meeting dates, currently once a month through winter and every two weeks spring through fall. The committee, after review, votes on its recommendation to the architectural control Staff.
- You can find the necessary forms and instructions in the Documents section of the website.
Meeting Protocol
To ensure meetings are run efficiently and to allow members, at the appropriate times, to have an equal opportunity to share their comments, the Committee has established a set of rules and procedures for meetings.
Following these rules helps to ensure meetings are professional and organized.
Member Comments
Members wishing to comment during a meeting must be in good standing with the Association.
Each speaker will be allowed to speak for a reasonable time and each speaker will only be allowed to speak one time per project.
The Committee will conduct deliberations after listening to all property owners. Audience participation during committee deliberation will not be permitted.
Professional & Respectful
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Prohibited Behavior
No rude or profane language or personal attacks. No racial, ethnic, gender or religious slurs. No shouting, yelling or screaming. No Physical threats, verbal or otherwise.
Essential any behavior intended to, or that has the effect of, interfering with the orderly business of the Committee is prohibited.
Members that violate these conduct rules will be subject to being removed from the meeting and potentially fined.
Meet the Committee Members
The Committee is comprised of five or seven qualified volunteer TKPOA property owners. Members are appointed/reappointed by the Board of Directors each year.

Brannan Smith
Committee Chair

Karen Marlin
Committee Member

Clint Schue
Committee Member

Janet Gardner
Committee Member

Kirt Willard
Committee Member
Architectural Control Committee Meeting Schedule
The Architectural Control Committee meets on regularly scheduled meeting dates, currently once a month through the winter and every two weeks spring through fall.
The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is composed of qualified volunteer homeowners who are appointed by the Board, and who are charged with reviewing homeowner submittals to the ACC for approval of their proposed construction or modifications to existing structures or properties. The committee considers the architectural controls in the CC&R’s and other governing documents of the association, and regulations of local governmental authorities.
- Current Events
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events
Documents, forms, rules & guidelines.
You can find documents related to architectural control in the documents section of the website. This includes application forms, architectural rules & guidelines, as well as meeting agendas and minutes.