Looking for Help?
You have questions, we have answers. If you can’t find what you’re looking for in our FAQ section below then feel free to stop by the Pavilion and talk to our front desk staff, or drop us an email or check out our forums.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers.
How do I get a Property Owners ID Card?
Please complete the Property Owners ID Card Application and bring it to the Front Desk or visit the TKPOA Pavilion to update your current form.
I’m vacation renting, how do I get a short-term recreational pass?
Short-term renters may purchase a daily or weekly pass at the Pavilion seven days a week, 8:30am-4:30pm, Monday to Friday, 8:30am-12:30pm, Saturday to Sunday, as long as you bring a copy of your lease agreement (or a letter from the homeowner) with you. This will show us where you are staying, who you are and the duration of your stay.
We accept cash or check only. Prices vary depending on what you would like to do. You can find more detailed information in the Pass Policy that is posted on the website.
What are the annual association dues?
Association dues information can be found in the Budget section under Documents.
How do I pay my association dues?
Association fees are due January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st. All payments must be received by the 30th to avoid a 10% late charge. Postmarks are NOT honored, so please mail early. All payments are to be mailed to: TKPOA P.O. Box 1026 Roseville, CA 95678. Mark your check with your TKPOA Account Number. Alternatively, you can set up direct debit payments.
What is the garbage pick-up schedule?
The Tahoe Keys has a good record of eliminating inappropriate food sources for wildlife, which is why there are very few reports of confrontations with bears, coyotes, raccoons and other scavengers. More is being done to educate home owners and renters on use of bird seeds, exposed pet foods and attracting wildlife by hand feeding.
TKPOA enforces stringent garbage/waste management practices with property owners and their guests, including fines for non-performance. These include the absolute prohibition on curbside trash disposal except on scheduled pick-up days (currently Fridays). Exceptions are made for curbside placement of non-food wastes, like landscape and yard trimmings.
TKPOA provides special disposal facilities for owners and their guests to use on non-pickup days. The Keys manages high aesthetics for our properties and the ACC does not approve individual animal-proof storage containers in front yards or front setbacks.
Who should I call if we see a garbage violation?
Call TKPOA Security at (530) 545-0847 or the Front Desk at (530) 542-6444 ext. 221.
What can I do to get rid of the weeds growing in the channel?
The thing that you legally can do to keep the weeds away from your dock is to buy a weed rake and pull the weeds out by hand. Leave your pile on the dock or your shore and the “skimmers” will pick them up.
What is the operating procedure for the weed harvesters?
The channels are maintained by the TKPOA Water Department. We have four weed-harvester machines that are deployed daily in our channels and dock areas harvesting and collecting the milfoil and other weed growth, and removing it from the water, helping to keep the channels clear. There is also crews in small boats skimming the surface for the floating weeds, as well as collecting weeds that individual homeowners might have raked up by their docks. Notice that the harvesters only can get around docks where there is an 8 foot space between the docks, due to the paddle wheels on the side of the machine.
What is the Harvester’s schedule?
For example, the harvester schedule for “Skipper Cove” is on Monday, every Monday. Homeowner can expect that their entire channel will be done on that day. Schedules for other coves to be posted shortly.
How do I get help collecting and harvesting seaweed from my dock?
Call the front desk (530) 542-6444 and they will radio the “skimmers” as the schedule allows. Same thing if you need a harvester to get a closer cut by your dock, given that you have moved any boats and toys away.
Do you provide towels at the pools?
No towels are provided so please bring your own. See the amenities list on the home page for further information.
Is there a gym at the indoor pool?
No, there is no gym in the TKPOA. However you can find a few close by.
I want to clean up my yard and plant a few plants. Can I do this?
If your yard is just getting a thorough spring cleaning with removal of weeds and overgrowth, this does not require approval by the ACC. If, however, you plan to plant perennials and or trees, or install landscape material that involves more than 10% of your overall landscape, then yes, you need to submit an ACC landscape application. This application needs to be reviewed by the ACC committee at a regularly scheduled ACC meeting.
My house needs a new roof. Do I have to go through ACC for that? Or can I just hire somebody to do it?
Yes, you need to submit an application for a new and/or replacement roof. This can usually be done over the counter, by the ACC coordinator, without the need to wait for the next ACC meeting. The application requires material specs as well as roofing contractor contact information. Please refer to the Roof Application for the necessary criteria.
My boat dock is failing and in need of replacement. What do I do?
If your dock is in a townhome subdivision, contact your cove advisor. If your dock is located in a single family home subdivision, you need to submit a boat dock application to the ACC for review at a regularly scheduled meeting.
I want to rent a home, who do I call?
Do NOT call TKPOA, we are not involved in rentals of any property. Search vacation rentals in Tahoe Keys, and/or contact a property management company.
When can I run my sprinklers?
Even property street addresses can run their sprinklers Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Odd numbers on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. No irrigation on Sundays.
What kind of fertilizer shall I use?
Homeowners often over-fertilize which can cause problems for the lawn, and stimulates algae growth in the channels and the lake, degrading the water. Timing of fertilization has been shown to be more important than the amount of fertilizer applied and less fertilizer than previously thought necessary is better. Fertilizers should be applied to turf grasses only in the spring and fall. Nitrogen fertilizers are of two general types, fast and slow release. In the Tahoe Basin, the preferred fertilizer type is slow release because it is less likely to pollute streams and the Lake, stimulating unsightly algae growth. Phosphorous fertilizers should be avoided altogether except when establishing a new lawn.

Front Desk
The Pavilion front desk staff is ready to help you during their office hours: 8:30am-4:30pm, Mon to Fri, 8:30am-12:30pm, Sat to Sun.
356 Ala Wai Boulevard
Tel: (530) 542-6444

Email might be the easiest way to request information or get help with some issue. Service requests are taken care of, during office hours, on a first come first serve basis.

Many times other members are the ones with the answers! The Forums are a great channel to use for questions where you think that other members would benefit from knowing the answer.
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