Environmental Stewardship
A community and association committed to protecting and enhancing the outstanding natural beauty and resources that surround it.

The Tahoe Keys is surrounded by outstanding natural beauty and resources and it behooves us all to work hard to protect and enhance all that we enjoy.
Protecting our Community
TKPOA is actively participating in several local, basin-wide, environmental committees and task groups.
Partnering with agencies & environmental groups:
- TKPOA is currently working with TRPA (Tahoe Region Planning Agency) and TRCD (Tahoe Resource Conservation District) on the study and testing of control methods for aquatic invasive species.
- In partnership with The League to Save Lake Tahoe, TKPOA is installing bubble curtains in the East and West Channels to limit the spread of weed fragments into Lake Tahoe.
- The TKPOA is participating in a number of public programs as well as funding and managing our own projects to protect the wildlife and water quality around Lake Tahoe.
Environmental Initiatives
Through our rules and regulations and committees TKPOA encourages its homeowners to be environmental stewards.
TKPOA encourages and permits private owner landscape design proposals that reduce water consumption and runoff. We also encourage planting of water efficient native plants.
Working to eliminate inappropriate food sources for wildlife to limit any confrontations with bears, coyotes, raccoons and other scavengers.
Water Conservation
The Tahoe Keys Water Company established a water conservation program in 2015.
Education & Outreach
Members are encouraged to take part in and volunteer for environmental projects and initiatives in and around the Tahoe Basin.
The Fight Against Aquatic Invasive Species
Aquatic weeds have spread to many areas around Lake Tahoe, creating the urgency that lake-wide collaboration is needed to control aquatic invasive species (AIS). The 2015 Lake Tahoe Aquatic Invasive Species Implementation Plan lists the Tahoe Keys lagoons as the highest priority areas for control of AIS in Lake Tahoe, as the largest and most persistent population of aquatic weeds grow in this location, sprawling over 172 acres of waterways.
The Growing Problem
There is growing concern about the spread of aquatic invasive and nuisance plant species which cover over 90 percent of the Tahoe Keys lagoons.
A Collaborative Multi-Stakeholder Process
TKPOA has developed an Integrated Aquatic Weed Management Plan (IMP) that is based on the most cost-effective mix of identified weed control methods. While harvesting and bottom barriers are currently allowed, the use of aquatic herbicides is being studied in partnership with TRPA and Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board.
EIR/EIS Process
Lead by TRPA a comprehensive assessment of the impacts of aquatic herbicides is underway to provide a scientific basis for regulatory consideration.
Best Management Practices
TKPOA is working to develop ways to minimize the quantity of fine sediments in the Tahoe Keys lagoon water. The primary method to reduce fine sediments is by increasing the number of properties that have Best Manage Practices (BMP) in place. To this end, all primary residence construction plans requiring City approval must be reviewed by ACC to ensure that BMPs are included where applicable.