Education & Outreach
A community and association committed to protecting and enhancing the outstanding natural beauty and resources that surround it.

The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) encourages and permits private owner landscape design proposals that reduce water consumption and runoff.
Protecting the Environment
The association has been actively participating in several local and basin-wide coordinating committees and task groups. TKPOA has worked with TRPA and TRCD for the study and testing of control methods of aquatic invasive plants and fish.
We are working with the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board on the development of a WDR permit, and a process for permitting the use of synthetic bottom barriers by individual property owners. TKPOA has retained the services of Sierra Ecosystem Associates to help chart the ongoing course on environmental documentation for our Integrated Management Plan for the Keys lagoons.
Communicating with members:
- Owners, guests and visitors of the Tahoe Keys can receive a wide variety of information from a “live” person at the Pavilion Front Desk. These folks can help you with almost any question related to the Tahoe Keys or will find someone for you who can.
- The TKPOA website is the official communication forum for property owners.
- The Keys Breeze magazine is published monthly and goes to every owner-of-record. Members may also view back issues of the magazine on this website.

Eyes on The Lake
Eyes on the Lake is a volunteer program in which water recreationists report information about locations of aquatic invasive species. Swimmers, boaters, snorkelers, SCUBA divers and fishermen are all welcome to join the effort.

Tahoe Keys homeowners volunteered and have hosted seminars by The League To Save Lake Tahoe.
Pipe Keepers
Pipe Keepers is a volunteer-based pipe outflow monitoring program. The program examines pollution levels in water being released from storm drains throughout Tahoe’s shoreline and its tributaries to see if it should be an area of heightened concern.
Tahoe Keys members volunteer with the League to Save Lake Tahoe marking 180 storm drains in Tahoe Keys and Tahoe Keys Marina. The League hosts volunteer storm drain marking events throughout the summer to educate and engage the public about protecting our waterways from illegal dumping of wastes into the Lake Tahoe watershed. The communities around Lake Tahoe have outdated storm drain systems that discharge directly into the Lake and its tributaries. Washing automobiles and dumping household wastes into the storm drain system can have substantial impacts to water quality and public health. Marking storm drains with “Keep Tahoe Blue – No Dumping” metal markers helps to keep pollutants out of Lake Tahoe’s environment.