Welcome to the New & Improved TKPOA Website
Welcome to the new and improved TKPOA website. This new website has been developed at zero cost to the Association; it has been a labor of love and developed solely through the volunteerism of homeowners.
The site has a brand new modern look, is designed to work just as well on mobile devices as it does on a desktop computer, and has a host of new features for registered users to enjoy.

You’ll find an overview of what’s new on the “Homepage,” whether that be links to information regarding our current water shortage or the latest news posts. The “About” menu has links to the website’s main areas, each of our committees, departments, and amenities.

The website’s “News” section is where you can read about what is currently happening in the Tahoe Keys, outside of the monthly Keys Breeze. Have a question about the current status of the water shortage, check out the News section for the latest updates.

The new and improved Events section of the site should make it easier to find the meetings you are interested in attending. If you are signed in, each event (when available) will have instructions on joining the online meeting for those wishing to attend virtually. Meeting agendas are posted to the “Documents” section of the site.

As part of building out the new website, 2000+ documents have been reorganized and are now available to browse and search. Looking for Board meeting agendas or minutes, you’ll be able to find them here (you’ll need to be signed in first).
Talking of signing in, the vast majority of accounts from the old site have been migrated to the new site. Most of you should be able to sign in with the same username or email and password that you previously used. If you registered within the last two months, you might need to re-register, as some of these newer accounts did not get migrated (many apologies for the inconvenience).
If you face any issues signing in or registering, you can email our Webmaster for help (webmaster@tahoekeyspoa.org). After registering, your information will be reviewed and compared to homeowner records before your account is approved, which may take 24-48 hours depending on the availability of our Webmaster.

Once you’ve signed in, you’ll see a navigation bar on the left-hand side of the page (or under the mobile menu on your phone) that provides access to the member directory, discussion forums, and groups. These features are only accessible to registered members of the site, and all user registrations are vetted to ensure only homeowners and Association staff gain access.
These new community features are designed to allow homeowners to connect online and communicate with each other and our various committees and Board of Directors.

I’d like to encourage homeowners to sign in (or register if you don’t yet have an account) and update your profile. Add a selfie and make sure that your name and street are correct. Please use your real name; this is a secure site, and using real names will foster a better sense of community and trust.
Looking to connect with your neighbor, go to the member directory to search by name, or filter down to members on the same street as you. Like Facebook, you can send a request to connect with someone you know and send them messages. Great if you’re looking to organize a block party of activity on your street.
You’ll notice that most pages feature some of the stunning scenery we get to enjoy by owning here in the Keys. We wanted the site to feel like you were browsing a photo album. That said, I had to raid my photo album to find as many different images as I could; we’d love to showcase your stunning photos instead and switch things up through the seasons. Got a gorgeous shot? Email it to our Webmaster (webmaster@tahoekeyspoa.org), and we’ll post it as a hero image on one of the site’s pages.
Have a suggestion? Why not try out the general discussion forum and post your thoughts.
Oh, one last thing, this is an experimental part of the site, but we have moved some of the membership forms online. You can find them under the “Documents” menu.

You can now sign up for electronic delivery of notices, for example, something we highly recommend to help reduce costs.
Depending on how well these online forms work out, we’ll move more online, including the various ACC applications. Doing more online should make it easier for homeowners to interact with the Association and help streamline our processes.
Where in the website is the May 2021 issue of Keys Breeze?
Al Chandler
Al, if you got to Documents section of the site, then click on the ‘Public’ folder and then the ‘Keys Breeze’ folder, you’ll find it there.
What a wonderful job y’all have done on this website. Thank you to all the volunteers that made it happen!
There is so much information – there is no excuse for owners not to be informed – unless they don’t want to be.
Ann, thank you, it turned into a labor of love. Glad you like.
Where is the beach cam now located on the new website?
Sanford, good catch, we missed migrating this over to the new website. We’ll try to track it down and get it added.
our website should be programed to allow the user to go back to the previous page by clicking on a return arrow near the upper left of the page
Carra, thanks for the suggestion, the system/template we use unfortunately doesn’t have that feature I’m afraid, I think it assumes users use the browser back button and such.
i can’t find the member form It should have a button on the home page
Carra, which member form are you looking for? If you are signed into the website then go to the Documents menu, you should see a ‘Forms’ menu option, most of the member forms are under this: https://tkpoa.com/forms/
You personally have done a great job on the Board.
Otherwise we find the Board has been extremely silent for the last month.
Water updates are few and far between. Decisions of extending election have been silent.
Very disappointed in communication efforts.
Carol, appreciate the kind words, yes, things have been a bit quiet on the website front I’m afraid. There hasn’t been much to report on the water company as yet, we are still awaiting our approval from the State, will have more to report once we get that. The election was extended to September 22nd, this was recently sent out via email blast and we need to get better at also posting these updates to the website…it’s a work in progress.
Hi Keiron,
It would be very helpful if after these meetings (ie Townhall weed a month ago), that a summary would be published online for those of us who could not attend. There is always a ton of announcements about meetings but no follow-up report. It seems silly to wait to read it in the breeze 2 months later.
Hi Keiron,
It would be very helpful if after these meetings (ie Townhall weed a month ago), that a summary would be published online for those of us who could not attend. There is always a ton of announcements about meetings but no follow-up report. It seems silly to wait to read it in the breeze 2 months later.
I just discovered where to read the presentation from the meeting. However the average person would not even know where to look. It needs to be posted under “NEWS”.
Carol, glad you found the info. I absolutely agree with you on posting more updates to the news section, I’ve passed your comment onto our staff as a good example of why.