Control Methods Test Boating Restrictions and Recommendations
The Tahoe Keys Property Owner Association (TKPOA) Board of Directors, pursuant to Civil Code Section 4360, has adopted an Emergency Rule addressing boating restrictions that will be put into place in the Tahoe Keys West Lagoon waterways during the Water Quality Control Methods Test (CMT). The restrictions will be in place from April 18th, 2022 to latest mid July 2022, unless rescinded, and will significantly impact TKPOA Property Owners and their ability to navigate the waterways.
The CMT will test herbicides in 15 sites and UV-C light in 9 sites of approximately one acre each. The 15 herbicide test sites will be divided into three large ‘test areas’ (see map below). Starting April 18th, 2022, turbidity curtains will be installed to block off the three ‘test areas’ from the central lagoon and lake itself.
During this time, the following rules apply:
- No boat access, entering or exiting, the Treatment Areas A, B and C
- No water activities inside Treatment Areas A, B and C. Water Activities include but are not limited to swimmers, pets, boats, sailboats, personal watercrafts, kayaks, canoes or stand-up paddleboards, etc. The herbicide concentrations to treat the weeds will be at levels safe to humans, pets and fish and wildlife, but avoidance is necessary to protect the validity of the CMT.
- No outside visitor access into Treatment Areas A, B and C. If you observe someone violating these rules, please contact TKPOA’s Security Staff. “If you see something, say something”.
- Boats and other watercraft docked prior to April 18th, 2022 may remain moored, but cannot be operated, from April 18 to as late as mid-July 2022.
Given the importance of strictly meeting all CMT permit conditions (there are significant penalties for any violations) and the extremely high cost of this test, violations of the Emergency Rule will be subject to fines as high as $10,000.

Restricted Areas in the Tahoe Keys Waterways:
Treatment Area A (Red) Barrier Placement will impact all homeowners on the following streets:
● All streets off of Emerald Drive (Garmish Court, Marconi Way, Lido Way, Kokanee Drive)
● Southern side of Aloha Drive (Aloha Drive, Daggett Court, Carson Court)
● All streets off of Alpine Drive (Alpine Drive, Cascade Court, Cathedral Court, Genevieve Court)
● Waterway side of Venice Drive from Lighthouse Shores to Christie Drive
● West Side of Christie Drive and Wedeln Court
Treatment Area B (Green) Barrier Placement will impact all homeowners on the following streets:
● Eastern side of Lucerne Way
● Northern side of Venice Drive from the Corner of Lucerne Way and Ala Wai Blvd
● All of Morro Drive
● Southern side of Monterey Drive
● Western side of Danube Drive from the corner of Venice to Monterey Drive
Treatment Area C (Yellow) Barrier Placement will impact all homeowners on the following streets:
● Tahoe Keys Blvd from the corner of Venice Drive to Texas Avenue
● West side of Dover Drive
● Venice Drive from corner of Tahoe Keys Blvd to approximately 2176 Venice Drive
● Texas Avenue from Tahoe Keys Blvd to the Lake Tallac Canal
Given the importance of this Control Methods Test (CMT), the TKPOA is seeking the support and commitment of all TKPOA Property Owners. The following Boating Recommendations will assist the TKPOA in producing successful results during the CMT time period in 2022.
- Do NOT launch your boat until after the CMT Test (estimation mid July 2022).
The TKPOA Board of Directors (BOD) encourages all Property Owners and dock renters in the Test Areas to NOT launch their boats for the season until after the CMT project is complete and all barriers are removed. All water activities will be prohibited inside the test areas (Area A, B and C) from April 18th, 2022 until the test parameters are met and the barriers removed. We anticipate test completion by late June but it is possible that restrictions are in place until mid-July 2022. - Do not interfere with the scientists conducting on-water sampling and monitoring.
There will be numerous on-water TKPOA WQ Staff and third-party contractors who need to adhere to a strict monitoring and sampling schedule. - If you rent out your dock slips to outside parties, it is your responsibility to ensure your renters do not violate the Emergency Rule.
Homeowners will be held personally responsible for their actions and the actions of their guests or
slip renters for any violations to the Emergency Rule, which could include fines up to $10,000. - Do not interfere with the barriers/buoys in the restricted areas.
In April, in preparation for the test, the TKPOA Water Quality Department is required to install turbidity curtains to seal off the three “test areas” (Areas A, B and C) from the central lagoon and the lake itself. Boats of any kind will not be allowed to enter or exit or operate within the three “test areas” after April 17th, 2022. - TKPOA BOD has approved water access for kayaks, canoes and stand-up paddleboards from TKPOA Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) ramps in the non-restricted areas, during this boating restriction period. Access for launching and recovering kayaks, canoes or stand-up paddleboards in non-restricted areas will be permitted at TKPOA AIS ramps on Christie Drive, Wedeln Court, Traverse Court, and Slalom Court. Property Owner parking and storage is not authorized on TKPOA ramps. Use of AIS ramps by Property Owners cannot interfere with TKPOA staff or third party operations. TKPOA ramps can be closed at any time without prior notification. Violations will be subject to fines.
- TKPOA street/driveway parking will be authorized for boat and trailer storage while the Emergency Rule is in effect. During the time that the turbidity curtains and barriers are in place, TKPOA staff will not cite trailers for unauthorized parking. Homeowners will have ten days after the notification of turbidity curtain and barrier removal to relocate any boats, personal watercrafts, or trailers from their driveway or street.
- The TKPOA Staff will send out an eblast to identify TKPOA Property Owners (not affected by the “test areas”) willing to offer dock/mooring space to affected homeowners boats. If parties are identified, the TKPOA Staff will provide a list of possible alternate docking arrangements to affected homeowners. TKPOA staff will not be responsible for dock negotiations or liable for any damages that may incur.
For additional information and updates, please refer to the TKPOA website at, the following folder – Control Method Test (CMT) as well as You can also contact the TKPOA Association Office Monday – Friday from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM, Saturday – Sunday from 10:00 AM – 2 PM or call 530-542-6444.
To contact the TKPOA Water Quality Department directly, please call 530-542-6444 extension 275 Monday – Friday from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM.
Will launches be free considering we’ll have to re-launch our boat every day that we want to go on the lake (if we can’t get an open dock space)?
Per the 1991 Settlement Agreement, the Tahoe Keys Marina and Yacht Club (TKM&YC) allows free launches to Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association (TKPOA) Homeowners. Homeowners should contact TKM&YC to inquire about their policies and procedures for this free launching.